

I have currently put D.A. on the shelf so I can focus my work on iPhone/iPod Touch games. I don't know for sure if I will return to this games code base as is or if I will just use its ideas and story to create a different version of the game such as D.A. Tactical Battle (see below).

I also have an idea for a sequel to D.A. which will have a distinction of having a different but somewhat familiar battle system. I am currently calling the game D.A. Tactical Battle. This game idea is taking on a more Pokemon RPG form the more I play Chrono Trigger on my DS. However, it currently doesn't seem like I will be working on D.A. Tactical Battle any time soon.

It seems like the original card based battle system version of the game is most likely not coming back, but the game it self continues to change in my mind especially with the battle system.



This is a list of the tasks and the order that I plan to work on when I start working on the game again.
Last updated: 9-27-2009

  1. Work on online dueling engine
    • Setup server to handle duel requests/challenges
    • Write client code to handle requests/challenges
    • Setup menus to handle online duel requests/challenges
    • Create in-game message for duelist matches found
    • Add support in the dueling engine for online duels
  2. Add special effects to the series one cards*
* Terminology is based on Yu-Gi-Oh! and not what is really used in D.A.


Task Overview

This is a list of the main tasks left that need to be finished before the game is done.
Last updated: 4-26-2009

  1. Setup peer-to-peer network module
  2. Basic networked duel play
  3. Creation of series 1 card's special effects*
  4. Player, AI, and network control over handling special effects
  5. Creation of rest of the cards in the game*
  6. Duel system debugging
  7. Simple out of game deck creation tool*
  8. Graphic engine for world view
  9. World/character artwork
  10. Level editor tool
  11. Level and story creation
  12. World system debugging
  13. Improving AI for dueling
  14. Testing and polish
* Terminology is based on Yu-Gi-Oh! and not what is really used in D.A.



This is a list of the features that I hope to have in place by the time I finish the game.
Last updated: 10-5-2008

  • RPG with unique card battle system
  • Five islands to explore
  • Around 240 "Cards" to collect and use
  • Game controls are based on a game pad using just eight buttons total
  • Battle online with other players
  • Customize your characters appearance
  • Unique story line where you can be good or bad

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